24-25 Regional Migrant Speech and Debate Tournament
March 1, 2025
Thank you for participating in the 24-25 Migrant Education Speech & Debate Tournament.
Speech and Debate Tournament Objectives:
To familiarize students with the procedures of competitive debate.
To acquaint students with the basics of research.
To understand the importance of using evidence and research-based information in argumentation.
To develop skills in reading, writing, and oral expressions.
To develop skills in organizing materials.
To emphasize the importance of good delivery when debating an issue.
To develop a better understanding and appreciation for team participation.
Thank you in advance for your participation to this meaningful event that will benefit the Migrant Students in Fresno County.
Here are some resources to help you prepare for the tournament.
Examples of past tournament speeches:
State S&D Resource Link:
Resource Links for Students & Coaches:
Additional Resources
Link to Coach Pre-Evaluation Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScAUEMbtRexQba5qoH3pJ9Yzsp0zNsY35Ge1EuvX8859S0Y7g/viewform
(Please complete by Friday, February 7, 2025)